Historic Yard Markers

Yard Marker Policy

  • THPDA Board of Directors must approve all applications from property owners
  • A written, authenticated history of the property, buildings and information on the original owners must be furnished, in detail, by the property owners.
  • A historical architectural description must be provided.
  • Only the name of the original owner or builder may be used on the marker.
  • It is best to show only one name on the marker, although as many as two can be shown if there are strong reasons for doing so.  An example could be that both the builder and later owner lived for long periods in the house, or that a later owner was prominent in public life. 
  • Where no definite construction date can be documented, a "circa" date is used
  • No commercial properties will be accepted
  • The district must maintain a permanent record of properties recommended for a marker by the board of directors.
  • A house whose front has been materially altered is not acceptable for a yard marker.
  • Homes must be at least fifty years old to be considered.
  • To be approved for a marker, property owners must sign and complete an application. (Found in the neighborhood directory.) And return it to the Weeden House.
  • Once approved, the owner will be given an approval form which must be presented to Andy Kelly, who is in charge of the signs.

Vendors and Pricing:

  • Post and installation are available through Andy Kelly 256-337-7756
  • Posts are $375
  • Installation is $50
  • Sign only is $55.00